Arthritis symptoms Pain and stiffness in the joints, anaemia, colitis The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain usually increases after exercise. Rheumatoid arthritis is often called the 'cooked food disease'. lt usually develops gradually over several months, with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints. Ultimately the whole body is affected. Symptoms include anaemia, colitis, constipation, deformed hands and feet. Cause of Arthritis Arthritis Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints Osteoarthritis results from structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints, usually those which are weight-bearing, such as the spine and knees. Hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress Rheumatoid arthritis is due to an inflammation of the synovium or lining of the joints. This is accompanied by swelling and eventually leads to deformity. The condition may be ...