Appendicitis symptoms
Pain in centre of abdomen, discomfort in abdomen
Appendicitis usually begins with a sudden pain in the centre of the abdomen. The pain may be preceded by general discomfort in the abdomen, indigestion, diarrhoea, or constipation. Gradually, the pain shifts to the lower right side, and is usually accompanied by a fever varying from 38 oC to 39 oC.
Nausea and Vomitting
Nausea is common and the patient may vomit once or twice. In the chronic state of appendicitis, the patient may suffer from recurrent pain in the right lower abdomen, constipation, loss of appetite, and mild nausea.

Causes of Appendicitis
Appendicitis Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
Excessive amount of poisonous waste material in caecum

Appendicitis is initiated by the presence of an excessive amount of poisonous waste material in the caecum. As a result, the appendix gets irritated and inflamed. Inflammation and infection are caused by certain germs which are usually present in the intestinal tract.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis
Appendicitis home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Appendicitis treatment using Green Gram

Green gram is a proven home remedy for acute appendicitis. An infusion of green gram is an excellent medicine for treating this condition. It can be taken in a small quantity of one tablespoon three times a day.
Appendicitis treatment using Fenugreek Seeds

Regular use of tea made from fenugreek seeds has proved helpful in preventing the appendix from becoming a dumping ground for excess mucus and intestinal waste. This tea is prepared by putting one tablespoon of the seeds in a litre of cold water and allowing it to simmer for half an hour over a low flame and then strained it. It should be allowed to cool a little before being drunk.
Appendicitis treatment using Vegetable Juices

Certain vegetable juices have been found valuable in appendicitis. A particularly good combination is that of 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice. This combined juice can be taken twice daily.
Appendicitis treatment using Buttermilk

Buttermilk is beneficial in the treatment of chronic form of appendicitis. One litre of buttermilk may be taken daily for this purpose.
Appendicitis treatment using Whole Wheat

The consumption of whole wheat, which includes bran and wheat germ, has been found beneficial in preventing several digestive disorders, including appendicitis. The bran of wheat can be sterilised by baking after thorough cleaning. This sterilised bran can be added to wheat flour in the proportion of one to six by weight. Two or three wheat tortilla mane from this flour can be eaten daily for preventing this disease.

Appendicitis diet
Appendicitis : Home Remedies suggested by users
Fasting and nothing except water

At the first symptoms of severe pain, vomiting, and fever, the patient should resort to fasting and nothing except water should enter the system.
Fruit juices and All-fruit diet

Fruit juices may be given from the third day onwards for the next three days. Thereafter the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for a further four or five days.
Well-balanced diet

After this tightly regulated regimen, he should adopt a well-balanced diet, consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Other Appendicitis treatments
Half litre of Warm-water enema

When the first symptoms of pain, vomiting, and fever occur, the patient must be put to bed immediately, as rest is of the utmost importance. A low enema, containing about half a litre of warm water, should be administered once every day for the first three days to cleanse the lower bowel if it can be tolerated with comfort.
Hot compresses and abdominal packs of wet sheet strip

Hot compresses may be placed over the painful area several times daily. Abdominal packs, made of a strip of wet sheet and covered by a dry flannel cloth bound tightly around the abdomen, should be applied continuously until all acute symptoms subside.
Three litres of warm-water enema

When the acute symptoms subside by about the third day, the patient should be given a full enema containing about three litres of warm water, and this should be repeated daily until all inflammation and pain have subsided.
Avoid constipation

In other words, the patient of appendicitis should adopt all measures to eradicate constipation. Once the waste matter in the caecum has moved into the colon and is then eliminated, the irritation and inflammation in the appendix will subside and surgical removal of the appendix may not be necessary.


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