
Showing posts from February 27, 2010


Gynecologic Cancer Symptoms  Gynecological cancer is one of the deadly diseases among women. The five main types of cancers, which affect the female reproductive organs, are ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulva cancer. A group of this cancer is known as gynecologic cancer. The sixth type of gynecologic cancer i.e. fallopian cancer is very rare. Each gynecologic cancer is unique in its own way, with a different sign and symptom, different risk factors, and the prevention strategies. Generally women are at a higher risk of gynecologic cancer especially at an old age. Symptoms of Gynecologic Cancer There is no other way to know whether you are suffering from gynecologic cancer. Therefore, it is very important for one, to pay attention towards the body. You must be able to recognize the warning signs or symptoms of gynecologic cancer. If you think that you have any of the following symptoms related to the gynecological cancer, immediately consult ...


Cancer Treatments  Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the survey of the World Health organization, out of the 58 million deaths that occurred last year, about 7.6 million deaths were caused due to cancer. Treatment given to the cancer patient is dependent on a number of factors such as - type, location and size of the cancer. It also depends on the current health of the patient. The treatments are designed to kill the cancer cells or to remove it. Based on the goal and mode of action, treatment of cancer is divided into several categories such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and many more. Combination of different types of treatment is used sequentially or simultaneously. Following section describes the most common forms of treatment that are used for the cancer treatment.  Cancer Treatments:- Surgery:- Surgery is the first treatment for many solid tumors. In the case of early detection of cancer, surgery may be sufficient to cure the ...


One of the most deadly as well as painful diseases in the present times, cystitis, or urine infection, has been on a rampage, in a negative way of course, affecting millions around the world. Initially thought to be only a threat to women with a short urethra, the disease is now affecting people of both the genders and across all age groups. However, there is an effective cure for this disease, thanks to the advancement in medical science, in the form of D-mannose, which starts working on the urine infection right from day one, and gives relief right from the word go. Biologically speaking, the disease is caused by transfer of bacteria from the anus to the urinary bladder. Cystitis also affects those who can't empty their urinary bladder properly during urination. One of the more widely spread infection, i.e., the lower urinary tract infection, is caused due to the E-Coli bacteria, which sticks itself to the wall of the urinary bladder and causes frequent urination, and if the pati...


Gynecologic Cancer Symptoms  Gynecological cancer is one of the deadly diseases among women. The five main types of cancers, which affect the female reproductive organs, are ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulva cancer. A group of this cancer is known as gynecologic cancer. The sixth type of gynecologic cancer i.e. fallopian cancer is very rare. Each gynecologic cancer is unique in its own way, with a different sign and symptom, different risk factors, and the prevention strategies. Generally women are at a higher risk of gynecologic cancer especially at an old age. Symptoms of Gynecologic Cancer There is no other way to know whether you are suffering from gynecologic cancer. Therefore, it is very important for one, to pay attention towards the body. You must be able to recognize the warning signs or symptoms of gynecologic cancer. If you think that you have any of the following symptoms related to the gynecological cancer, immediately consult ...


Brain Tumors Nowadays, the most common problem among children is brain tumors or brain cancer. Approximately 2,200 children in the US are infected with a primary brain tumor each year. A brain tumor is a growth of abnormal cells in your brain. Brain tumors are of many types. Some brain tumors are non- cancerous i.e. benign, which are also known to be a primary brain tumor. Primary brain tumor begins in your brain. The other brain tumors are cancerous i.e. malignant or metastatic brain tumor, which are also known as secondary brain tumor. Secondary brain tumor can begin in any part of your body and spread to your brain. Symptoms of Brain Tumors The signs and symptoms of the brain tumor vary with the individual. It depends on the size, location and the rate of growth of the brain tumor. Following are the common signs and symptoms of the brain tumor. 1.    Change in the pattern of headaches 2.    Frequent or severe headache 3.    Vision problems...


Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Cervical cancer is a cancer that starts and develops in the cervix, it is the lower part of the uterus, which opens at the top of vagina. This cancer starts in the cells on the surface of the cervix. The cervix cell surface contains two types of cells - squamous and columnar. Usualy Cervical Cancer develops very slowly. It starts with a pre-cancerous condition i.e. dysplasia. Pap smear is used to treat this pre cancerous condition, therefore it is essential for women to get regular pap smears. Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the world. Symptoms of Cervical Cancer The early symptoms of cervical cancer are not specific. However, the symptoms of the cervical cancer at an early stage are: 1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse 2. Period become heavier and usually lasts for long. 3. Continuous vaginal discharge such as pale, watery, pink, brown, bloody or foul smelling. 4. Bleeding after the m...


Colon Cancer Symptoms and Treatment  Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the US. It starts developing in the large intestine (colon) or in the rectum (end of colon). This cancer is also known as “colorectal cancer” The other types of colon cancer are lymphoma, carcinoid tumors, melanoma, and sarcomas. Mostly colon cancers begin as a small (non-cancerous). These non-cancerous clumps of cells are known as adenomatous polyps, after a period of time it converts into colon cancer. Symptoms of Colon Cancer This cancer doesn’t produce any sign or symptom at early stage. Following are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer: a. Rectal bleeding or bleeding in your stool b. Persistent abdominal discomfort such as gas, cramps or pain c. Feeling that your bowel is not empty completely d. Fatigue or weakness e. Unexplained weight loss f. Change in your bowel habits, or change in consistency of your stool for more than couple of weeks g. Diarrhea or constipation If you find any of the...


Leukemia and Its Treatment Many people suffering with leukemia wants to take an active part in the decision making of their medical care. Leukemia is the cancer of the bone marrow. In the case of leukemia, abnormal white blood cells divide uncontrollably and crowd out the normal cells in the blood stream. Since, the abnormal white blood cells are not fully matured; therefore, they cannot carry out their infection- fighting function in the blood. These cells affect the healthy white blood cells as well as the red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the body and to the platelets, which cause the blood to clot. The treatment of this cancer can be very complex; it may vary on the type of leukemia and other concerned factors. However, there are treatments and drugs, which may make it easier for you to move on. Diagnosis tests for which your doctor will recommend are blood test, immunophenotype, cytogenetic analysis, and bone marrow sample. Treatments for Leukemia:- Leukemia is not a solid tu...


Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Treatment  Kidney cancer is a disease of kidneys. Kidneys are the pair of bean shaped organs been located on each of the spinal column in the lower abdomen. In thekidney cancer, cells grow unregulated which tends to regulate the growth of cell and the death, resulting in forming a tumor. The Kidney performs several important tasks such as filtering the blood and removing the impurities, excess of minerals and salts and the surplus of water. These organs also develop hormones, which aid in controlling the blood pressure, red blood cell production and other functions. Even though you have two kidneys, but each of the kidneys works independently. Human body can function well with the help of one kidney too! There are several types of kidney cancers such as renal cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinoma, and wilm’s tumor. Men are more likely to get affected of kidney cancer, as compared to women. Most of the people who strike these diseases are often over...


Liver Cancer Symptoms and Treatment  Do you know, Liver is the largest organ in the body system, weighting around 1500 grams approximately! Liver performs number of vital functions such as; it filters harmful substances from the blood, digests the fats from the food and stores the sugar that your body uses for energy. Worldwide, liver cancer is the most common type of cancer. Liver cancer is the cancer, which begins in the cells of your liver. Liver cancer can be divided into two types. i.e. primary(non-cancerous) and metastatic(cancerous) liver cancer. The main difference between the both is - primary liver cancer develops in the liver itself, whereas, the metastatic liver cancer caused due to the cancerous cells which break from the primary cancerous tumors of the other parts of the body and enter into the liver, which leads to metastatic tumors. Usually, primary cancer develops in other parts of the body through the blood stream. In some cases, it also spreads to the surrounding ...


Lung Cancer Symptoms and Treatments  Lung cancer is the abnormal growth of the cells in the lung. This cancer can start any where in the lungs and affects any part of the respiratory system. In the US, lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death among the men and women. It claims for more lives as compared to other cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, lymph cancer and breast cancer. Lung cancer is the cancer that begins in the lungs. The two organs found in the chest which helps you to breathe, is made up of areas called lobes. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has two. When you breathe, air goes through your nose inside and then down through your windpipe and finally into the lungs where it spreads through the tubes called bronchi. Mainly, the lung cancer begins here in the cells that line these tubes. There are two main types of lung cancer i.e. non –small cell and the small cell lung cancer. If the lung cancer develops somewhere else in the body an...


Male Breast Cancer Symptoms  Generally, after hearing the name of breast cancer people often relate the cancer to women. However, does the cancer develop only in female, is it so? No way, it also develops in males as well but male breast cancer is not that common. As such, many of the men do not think of breast cancer and its symptoms because of its rare occurrence of illness. Many of the people get surprised to learn that men can also develop breast cancer, just like women. Therefore, the idea of male breast cancer (MBC) symptoms may seem like a strange one! According to the latest survey, in the US it has affected only 2000 men. The occurrence of male breast cancer is very rare, but still it is better to be aware of it. Learning or knowing the signs and symptoms of the male breast cancer will aid you for the early detection and treatment of cancer. Many men avoid reporting the early symptoms of breast cancer and this makes them more likely to develop the cancer and see their doct...


Melanoma and its Treatment Melanoma is the most serious and deadly type of skin cancer. Melanoma develops in the cells, which produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment, which gives your skin its color. It can also form in your eyes and rarely in the internal organs such as intestines. The exact cause for the melanomas is unknown, but exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or tanning lamps increases the risk of developing the melanoma. Avoiding, excessive sun light exposure may prevent the melanomas. It may also appear as a new mole, which may be black in color, and abnormal or ugly look. Melanomas can be treated successfully, if detected at an early stage. Advanced melanoma can spread to lymph nodes as well as the other body parts like lungs, liver and brain. Signs and Symptoms of the Melanoma:- Usually, melanoma occurs on the skin area which is often exposed to the sun, but it can be found anywhere on the body, such as eye, mouth and genital area. 1. Melanoma in women is m...


Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms  Pancreas is a six-inch long organ located behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen. It is a bit spongy, shaped like a fish, and extended horizontally across the abdomen. The head of the pancreas always remains at the right side of the abdomen. Here, the stomach is attached to the first part of the small intestine. The tail of pancreas extends to the left side of the abdomen i.e. next to the spleen. Pancreatic cancer is characterized as an out of control cell growth. This cancer occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in the pancreas. When these abnormal cells continue dividing and form lumps or masses of tissue is called as tumors. This tumor then interferes in the main function of the pancreas. If a tumor is at one spot and have only limited growth, it would be generally called as a benign.  More dangerous and difficult situation arises, when the cancer cells migrate to other parts of body through the blood systems. Often, the symptoms of p...


 Prostate cancer is a very common type of cancer among men. In the US, it affects about one in every six men. The diagnosis of the prostate cancer can be very scary. Some times, not only because of the life threatening experience but also because of the treatment, this can cause side effects i.e. bladder control problem and erectile dysfunction. Prostate cancer is a cancer of small walnut shaped gland in males. This gland produces a seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports the sperm. Usually, prostate cancer develops very slowly. Initially it remains confined to the prostate gland, where it may not cause any serious harm. There are other types of prostate cancer that grow slowly and may need only minimal or no treatment but the other aggressive type may spread very quickly. If the prostate cancer is detected at an early stage, you will have a better chance of successful treatment. The majority of the men are attentive towards the signs and symptoms of the prostate cancer, but it...