Causes for Body Rash
Body Rash Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
Reaction to cosmetics,perfumes,soaps

Skin rash could occur as a result of a variety of reasons. Some of the common ones are -
- Allergy to dyes and chemicals in clothing.
- Chemicals present in elastic, latex and rubber products.
- As a reaction to cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents.

Some of the causes for back rash are:-
- Heat rash
- Dermatitis
- Measles
- Dry skin
- Ichthyosis

Remedies for Body Rash
Body Rash home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Oatmeal bath is preferred

Applying olive oil to the rash could provide some relief.

Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil are also helpful in combating body rash.

Using baking powder on the affected area is another suggestion to deal with body and back rash.

An oatmeal bath is thought to be effective in treating body rash as it relieves inflammation. Pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal into your bathwater and soak in the tub for best results.

Wash the affected area using chamomile tea.

A poultice made from dandelion, yellow dock root and chaparral helps alleviate skin rash.

Another remedy is to soak a cloth in comfrey tea or calcium water.
Calcium Water preparation – Stir in a spoonful of calcium gluconate powder into a cup of water.

Diet for Body Rash
Body Rash : Home Remedies suggested by users
Consume foods rich in Vitamin C

The antioxidant properties present in Vitamin C helps in fighting body rash. Consume foods rich in Vitamin C.

Avoid foods causing allergic skin rash on the body or back.

Suggestions for Body Rash
Avoid exposing the affected area to direct sunlight and hot water

Do not scrub your skin when there is a rash breakout.
Avoid using soap, switchover to gentle body cleansers.
Refrain from using cosmetic lotions or other ointments directly over the rash.
Make sure you use warm water for cleansing and not hot water. Take care to pat dry your skin instead of rubbing.
Completely stop usage of any newly tried cosmetic or lotion, reaction to this could be a cause.
Ensure that the affected area is exposed to air as much as possible.
Avoid exposing the area to direct sunlight and hot water.

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5 Body Rash remedies suggested by our users Go to Top Top
Natural Cure for Rash, or other skin problems
suggested by Richard on Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I started getting a rash when I come back from the gym for some reason. I put Tea Tree Oil, I had in stock, and it there was immediate relief, and the redness was almost 100% gone. I'm not sure why I keep getting the rashes, but this has been a GREAT remedy for me. Especially if you're into natural cures. It also helps to PREVENT (not cure) new Staph Infections if you have one.
corn starch
suggested by [unspecified] on Monday, October 22, 2007
apply corn starch wherever the rash is. i had a really bad rash and no medications were working. use corn starch like if it were baby powder
Rash on Back
suggested by [unspecified] on Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I had a rash on my back for 7 years. I cured it by changing from commercial liquid laundry soap to an evironmentally friendly brand. It was well worth the extra cost!
Baby Oil
suggested by [unspecified] on Friday, April 20, 2007
Applying baby oil on the affected area every night before you go to bed helps sooth away the rash.


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