
Showing posts from July, 2010


Chest congestion is an extremely uncomfortable and often painful condition in which the lungs fill up with excess of mucus and other fluids. Chest congestion is often accompanied with cough which is a natural method through which the body attempts to get rid of accumulated phlegm. Sometimes, if a person has very severe congestion in the chest, the breathing mechanism actually becomes audible. The sound of a person struggling to breathe during chest congestion is much like a crackling noise. The person may have labored breathing, persistent cough and sometimes chest pain too. Symptoms of Chest Congestion The symptoms of chest congestion are pretty identifiable. Shortness of breath, labored breathing, coughing, chest pain, dizziness, runny nose, wheezing, discomfort, blood in cough, and loud noises while breathing are all common symptoms of chest congestion. However, sometimes, chest congestion is itself a symptom which is accompanied by several other symptoms. If chest congestion i...


Symptoms of Body odor Body odor symptoms Being nervous or anxious could be a symptom of body odor. Heavy sweating due to strenuous physical exercise should tell you that you are going to smell badly. You may feel the unpleasant odor yourself. Body odor may be due to serious illness. Body odor may be due to kidney disease, fungal infections liver disease and so on If you take some strong medicines then the smell of those medicines may be present in your body odor. Diabetic patients may smell of acetone because of insulin that they take. If you drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or cigar you will have an unpleasant body odor. Body odor may also be due to zinc deficiency, cavities, toxins and so on. It is often related with sweating of the body, but the unpleasant odor is mainly due to bacteria present in the sweat. The major non-food reason for body odor due to sweating is the sweat glands under the arms and in the groin area. Poor hygiene is the most common reason for body odor. Reme...


Chicken Pox Symptoms Low grade fever, a mild headache and weakness Chicken pox usually begins with a low grade fever, a mild headache and a feeling of weakness. Rash appears on the upper chest or back A rash appears on the skin on the first day of the disease. This is in the form of tiny red spots on the skin, mostly on the upper back or chest. In more severe cases, a rash may appear on the face and lower extremities. The papules turn into blisters and finally become pustules and form scabs, which fall off. They come in successive crops, so that while some are drying, others are beginning to form. The skin clears after a few days and the child feels well again. The duration of this disease ranges from ten to twenty-one days but is usually between fourteen and seventeen days. Causes of Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Virus Chicken pox is caused by a virus. serious condition such as Shingles or herpes zoster Many researchers believe that the diseas...


Cataract Symptoms Blurred vision and thereafter double vision The first sign of cataract is blurred vision. The patient finds it difficult to see things in focus. As the disease progresses, the patient may get double vision or spots, or both. At first, vision in twilight may be better than in full daylight since light is admitted round the more widely-dilated pupil in the dark. In the advanced stage, objects and persons may appear as mere blobs of light, and there is a greyish-white discoloration in the pupil. Causes of Cataract Cataract Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Deterioration in the nutrition of the lens There are three factors which contribute to the loss of transparency of the lens. These are deterioration in the nutrition of the lens which diminishes the vitality and resistance of the delicate lens fibres; deposits of acids and salts between the lens fibres which have an irritating effect on the lens tissues and exert an increasing pressure on its delicate fibres, ...


Symptoms of Skin Boils Painful red nodule appears on the skin At the outset, a painful red nodule appears on the skin. The nodule grows bigger and then breaks down in the middle where pus collects. The boils patient experiences a lot of irritation and itching. The boil may appear as a single skin boil, or many boils in the same area or in different areas at or about the same time, or boils may come in successive crops. The swelling may either be limited to one hair follicle or extend to several follicles. When skin boils ripen, they give out a discharge. Fever may sometimes arise in a person with boils. Causes of Boils Boils Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Staphylococcus germs Boils are caused mainly by staphylococcus germs. These enter sweat glands or hair follicles. The essential cause of boils is thus bacterial. However, there are several factors which predispose the growth of bacteria in hair follicles. Toxic condition in blood stream The chief factor is a toxic condi...


Causes for Body Rash Body Rash Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Reaction to cosmetics,perfumes,soaps Skin rash could occur as a result of a variety of reasons. Some of the common ones are - - Allergy to dyes and chemicals in clothing. - Chemicals present in elastic, latex and rubber products. - As a reaction to cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents. Some of the causes for back rash are:- - Heat rash - Dermatitis - Measles - Dry skin - Ichthyosis Remedies for Body Rash Body Rash home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers Oatmeal bath is preferred Applying olive oil to the rash could provide some relief. Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil are also helpful in combating body rash. Using baking powder on the affected area is another suggestion to deal with body and back rash. An oatmeal bath is thought to be effective in treating body rash as it relieves inflammation. Pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal into your bathwater and soak in the tu...


Symptoms for Body odor Body odor symptoms Being nervous or anxious could be a symptom of body odor. Heavy sweating due to strenuous physical exercise should tell you that you are going to smell badly. You may feel the unpleasant odor yourself. Causes for Body odor Body odor Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Body odor causes Body odor may be due to serious illness. Body odor may be due to kidney disease, fungal infections liver disease and so on If you take some strong medicines then the smell of those medicines may be present in your body odor. Diabetic patients may smell of acetone because of insulin that they take. If you drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or cigar you will have an unpleasant body odor. Body odor may also be due to zinc deficiency, cavities, toxins and so on. It is often related with sweating of the body, but the unpleasant odor is mainly due to bacteria present in the sweat. The major non-food reason for body odor due to sweating is the sweat glands under the a...


Chicken Pox Symptoms Low grade fever, a mild headache and weakness Chicken pox usually begins with a low grade fever, a mild headache and a feeling of weakness. Rash appears on the upper chest or back A rash appears on the skin on the first day of the disease. This is in the form of tiny red spots on the skin, mostly on the upper back or chest. In more severe cases, a rash may appear on the face and lower extremities. The papules turn into blisters and finally become pustules and form scabs, which fall off. They come in successive crops, so that while some are drying, others are beginning to form. The skin clears after a few days and the child feels well again. The duration of this disease ranges from ten to twenty-one days but is usually between fourteen and seventeen days. Causes of Chicken Pox Chicken Pox Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Virus Chicken pox is caused by a virus. serious condition such as Shingles or herpes zoster Many researchers believe that the diseas...


Bone spur is an extra bone that grows on the normal bone. In medical jargon bone spur is known as osteophytes. It occurs on the joints especially on the joints of the spine, feet, shoulders, hips, hands and knees. Bone spur itself does not cause any pain but it can cause pain when it rubs against other bones and nerves around it. Bone spur is quite common among people above 60 years of age and is an indication of spine degeneration. Symptoms for Bone spur Pain in back and neck Back pain and neck pain are the most common symptoms of bone spur. Patients could experience mild pain in the neck and the lower back while standing and walking. Pain in shoulders If bone spur is developed in the cervical spine then the patient will experience pain in the shoulders and headache in some cases. Pain in thigh,arms and legs Patient will experience pain in thigh if bone spur is developed in lumbar spine. Numbness, tingling, progressive weakness and pain in arms and legs are some other symptoms...


Breasts are natural organs that are present in the upper ventral region of the torso. Breasts are present in the female body, and they are vital because they contain the mammary glands that secrete milk for the new born baby. They are not only important in terms of cosmetic beauty, but are also a vital part of the human anatomy and the reproductive system. The breasts, just like the other organs in the body, are extremely susceptible to cancers and other ailments. Today, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of loss of breasts in women. Though breast cancer is not fatal and can be treated completely if detected early, it is still a frightening experience. Breast care is vital to save the breast and prevent amputation. From time to time, mammograms and self-examination of breasts should be conducted in order to keep checking for any signs of cancer. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help in keeping breasts healthy. Symptoms of Breast Care The characteristic symptom of br...